screw this money to get dslr....

31 March 2011

append festival

i'm so happy

i'm so happy..

even if its late i'm still very happy


when ripples append was decided not to be released out of japan 4 COUNTRY RAGED.....

now its here....all but one game has lost support...
but still.......i'm still very happy


22 March 2011

boring boring boring (again for the upteen time)

fucking survey job still HASN'T START.....god hell fuck u and help me fuck me fuck u...
ok makes no sense wadever but its pretty obvious that i applied for a area survey job AND IT HAS NOT STARTED....stupid shit

some japan tohoku kanto earthquake fun facts...
(not trying to make fun....but some really WTF stuff has happen during the earthquake)

i didnt note down the exact date...but last monday till wednesday...14 ~17 something during this few days
YEN SHOT UP......from the standard rates of 1000 yen to $15.40~15.70
1000 yen to $16.50~16.70..
a whole wooping dollar.....and again i'm not making fun or anything but, how does a country in disaster can manage to get its currency shoot sky high???....if u don't know the standard rates of the 1000 yen to 15.50 sing dollar is concidered high, as usually yen is about 14$ only....for the past year or so longer yen has been very strong.....
to get stronger during disaster

other then severely hit areas....most area has resumed normal life on saturday 12 march, which is directly one day after quake at 11 march friday 3pm~....
western japan was almost 0% no effects at all from the quake.....
although on sunday 13 march tepco had to regulate electricty cos of shortage

my beloved online konami store has alot of shit sold out..and its hobby goods...people are still playing games....zzzz

ok maybe no.3 isn't a really good fun fact how "normal" they can resume their life......

so to make full use of my shipment next month/or may.....i had to hunt for items to buy....which i found some nice hardcore tano*c a 1.5k yen per t-shirt which is on discount.....3k for 2 shirts YEAY!!!
*note- if u want to buy stuff from japan let me know,i purchase them through a middlewoman where she buys the stuff and sents the item personally and not through dumb-post a.k.a singpost....
shiping is split of course.......

school only reopens at april end....i want school to start...But please i want 3pm lessons...i hate waking up in the morning.....

17 March 2011

everybody tweet tweet~~~

hmm wow tweet is actually pretty good to just mini-shout to ur friends about what ur doing now......

its like a mini-blog and its more real-time.....

but its kinda limited....but its good in a way that if i wanna mass update?....i'll blog instead of tweet..
and if i just wanna do a mini-update like macdonalds have some promotion.....tweet is good...

i should have some stupid fucked up jobs if they do reply me on a regular come on...i sent a e-mail on monday and i got a reply on wednesday???.....
and its just a "go to some stupid place and take some pictures and report" crap.....and i only get paid like wad $10 per report???.....

if they reply me like one location every five days i rather take the $10 and shove it up their ass....

i'm broke this month already.....the stuff i wanna buy is SOLD OUT DURING PRE-ORDER...
wow since when did ever had pre-order sold outs....
yen is increasing like mad bull on a rampage....15.90 sing per 1000 yen oh my holy god.......


16 March 2011

ok i'm on twitter

how does this work???

i'm still trying to figure out how the @ works at a very accurate level

i'm on @nsa_spy99

15 March 2011

holidays without work is a real bummer

first let me complete my competition updates

fuck cakes i lost like semi-final zzzz.....there goes limited edition deck box fffff.....videos will be up if i bother to up it lol


next is the japan quake update..

don't worry katz said
katz is a great guy who does private videos through ustream to introduce japan to the outside world
but due to the emergency he has temporarily shifted his attention to the aftermaths english translation and update
its really great.......i have been watching his feed for like since friday?....14~18hours non-stop update is just amazing....

to un-scare u lots....he has stress the fact that japan is largely safe....its either badly hit by tsunami or just perfectly fine....
the current major issue however is the nuclear plants which has been seen to be getting more and more unstable......
do watch his news feed...he has some great help from the people in tokyo who can speak english as well...
and its also great to listen to some proper accurate news from japan as i see in the social stream many other countries news are extremely blown up to show very inaccurate information...

well if the nuclear plant doesn't blow up and shits.......technically japan is rather fine.....rescue works has been going well.....but its like 70% of the news coming from NHK and TBS has been heavily on the nuclear incident


which brings me to my personal shits..
recently the lack of me into the social stream has been inconveniencing me A LOT..

many japanese artist ...not say artist even the major population use twitter....which sees alot of massive epic news escaping me all the time....

i might go into twitter soon....shit.....

facebook??...well one reason i strongly go against massive public social networks is simply because, of the massive public attention u get.....don't get me wrong i love attention....but i prefer my attention seekers to be knowing what i am doing, i'm not the type of people that gets very happy because 1million people watches my videos or post only to know every 1million of them has no fucking idea what i was going on about...

i like to share alot of stuff....but only within the circle of friends or circles of people with similiar interest....not the bloody whole world man i ain't some news reporter.....

maybe i'll explore the world of twitter but facebook....does facebook have very secure private settings???????

march+ april....the month of holidays.......and also NO WORK FOR ME.....shit i need the $$$$$ to buy stuff and survive.....
i'm already broke this month and i'm surviving on 6am to 6pm sleep.....and totally doing nothing from the 6pm to 6am timeslot.....

anyone needs personal it support specialist???...


ok so yea u know i don't have tweet i don't have facebook

if u wanna contact me i'm still on the same ole school networks...
msn.....e-mail is up above....
phone no....i have changed my number I HAVE CHANGED MY NUMBER (well technically means i can post my old number 98978015 (weird i can remember my old number and not my new one))
if u have that number above....that means U HAVE THE OLD catch me on msn or e-mail me then i can contact u too.....
well i did mass sms everyone when i changed my number but some of u may have changed ur number so.......
well do update if u need

summary....msn -
phone no......e-mail or msn me.....i don't have REPEAT DON'T HAVE tweet or facebook or any other social is the only "social" thingy i use......

01 March 2011

in short...its not finished yet LOL
cos of arcade closing...and the top matches aren't finished yet...

so for part 1..
god thers alot of people there.....really ALOT...that i couldn't take proper videos

there are still

hope u do like it....
i am still doing editings and stuff and hopefully more will go into the list